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Public Services and security Courses at DCG

Careers in the Public Services include roles in the armed forces, prisons, the police, the fire service and security. Some jobs involve working on the ‘front line’ while others are behind the scenes in support or administration.

Is this you?

  • The ability to assess situations and react quickly
  • The ability to remain calm in potentially dangerous situations
  • The ability to work alone and as part of a team
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Mature and responsible
  • Honest and reliable
  • Good fitness levels
  • Assertive and tactful

Getting into Public Services

  • Full time at College Courses leading to careers in both the Uniformed and Non-Uniformed Public Services are offered at Derby College.
  • Apprenticeships These give you the opportunity to earn while you learn and gain a recognised qualification.
  • Higher education Many jobs within Public Services do not require a higher education qualification. However, you could need a degree for certain roles such as probation services officer or if you want to enter the armed services at senior officer level.
  • Jobs You can enter the Public Services with no qualifications through many roles from soldier, security officer, traffic warden and prison officer to the police and fire service. Emphasis for entry into these roles is based on your skills, qualities and, importantly, any relevant experience you’ve had. You can often gain such experience on a full-time course at College. Within these roles, training is normally given on the job, with the opportunity to work towards relevant qualifications.

Public Services and Security – Course Listings

Course Type: Higher Education
Location: Broomfield Hall

Course Type: Higher Education
Location: Broomfield Hall

Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: Broomfield Hall

Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: Broomfield Hall

Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: Broomfield Hall

Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: Broomfield Hall

Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: Broomfield Hall

Key Information

At Derby College we believe the best tutors are usually those who have real world experience of working in the field they’re teaching. So, in most cases, you’ll be taught by someone who has worked in the industry that you wish to enter. As well as being able to share their knowledge and experiences with you, they have crucial industry connections, which is a huge benefit when it comes to helping you to secure a work placement in your chosen field.

As part of your studies at Derby College we offer a full range of assistance to ensure you have a great learning experience.

Discover our campuses and facilities here. Each campus page contains:

  • 360-degree images of our facilities
  • A location map
  • A list of courses that are run at the campus
  • Student Success Stories
To find out more about our Public Services and Security courses, attend our next course and career event or contact us on 0800 028 0289
Press the Apply Now button, that can be found at the top and bottom of every course information page and follow the instructions for the InTouch applications portal. If you are unable to apply online, contact Student Services who will help you complete your application form and will be able to help and guide you to make a decision on the course of study to meet your needs and ambitions.

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Public Services – Success Stories

Anastasija Seglina

School Leaver Vocational

Anastasija Seglina, a young woman with red hair wearing yellow and green ambulance PPE.

James Ryall

Higher Education

Former Derby College Publlic Services student James Ryall.

Connor Blount

School Leaver Vocational

Former Public Services student Connor Blount.

Luke Preston

School Leaver Vocational

Derby College Public Services student Luke Preston at the awards ceremony.

Jade Howell

Higher Education

Jade Howell

Charis Oliver

Higher Education

Charis Oliver

Abbey Sisson

School Leaver Vocational

Abbey Sisson at her workplace

Lisa Pipes

Higher Education

Lisa Pipes stood outside of Haddon Building Broomfield Hall

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