Childcare Courses at DCG
If you’d like a career where you can play a vital role in children’s lives during those all-important early years – and help them towards a brighter future – a Childcare course is your first step. DCG will help you qualify as a capable, confident and caring early years professional.
Whether you’re looking to work with babies, toddlers or primary pupils, DCG equips you with practical skills and theoretical understanding in child development and education. Your studies will pave the way to immensely rewarding roles such as early years practitioner, family support worker, childminder, playworker, community worker and behaviour analyst.
Through our collaborations with nurseries, playgroups, schools and children’s centres, you’ll gain all the first-hand experience you need. We’ve even invested in an immersive virtual laboratory at College which can replicate early years workplace settings.
We led the way in introducing the T Level in Education and Early Years which combines technical knowledge with a substantial industrial placement. We also support various apprenticeships for the children and young people’s workforce and deliver part-time and workplace-based qualifications for those already in the profession. If you’re aiming higher, our Foundation Degree Children and Young People includes an Early Years pathway.
Darby college group information evening
I’m here to talk to you tonight about
our childcare courses here at the
Roundhouse but I will give you a bit of
background knowledge about the college
first to put everything into perspective
for you we have a multitude of support
areas available to every student at
Darby college group from the moment we
meet you right up until you have
completed your study program and are
deciding on your next steps as you will
see this evening
Darby college group has invested in
first class industry standard equipment
which you can view in more detail after
this presentation we do everything we
can to help you succeed during your time
here and this has been recognized by
Ofsted who have graded us as a good
provider which is the second highest
rating that is available to any school
or college
we have teamed up with career coach
which is designed to help you find a
good career by providing the most
current local data on wages employment
job postings and associated education
and training so here is a breakdown of
each of our full-time childcare courses
at Darby college group courses are
offered from entry level up to level 3
with the possible option after
completing level 3 to progress on to a
foundation degree we will be offering
the new level 3 childcare tier level
from September so you can see there’s
definitely a course that’s right for you
the mission of Darby college group is to
predict and serve the needs of our
business and civic communities we are
committed to working in partnership with
employers to co-create talent for the
success of the region generate new jobs
increase social mobility and bolster
economic prosperity and as you can see
here there are some examples of the
employers that the childcare Academy
currently work with
if you were to enroll on a childcare
course at Derby college you will be
required to attend placement for most
levels in order to attend placement you
will have to have a satisfactory DVS
check and you would need to purchase a
uniform in order to attend placement
Derby College has a significant impact
on many individuals businesses and the
wider community we are committed to
producing a talent pool equipped with
the right skills and attitudes to meet
the needs of employers we are proud of
our contribution to economic growth and
social prosperity and you can see see
below some examples of what job roles
our students have gone on to do after
they’ve left us at Derby college now
please feel free to have a look around
and ask any questions you may have we
also have our student helpers showcasing
some of their work this evening so take
a look at that too and ask them any
questions about their experience at dog
Derby college that you may have we have
a detailed step-by-step guide on how to
apply which is accessible from both our
website and in our prospectus that you
should have been given tonight
here is a summarized breakdown of the
steps you can expect to take during the
application process with Derby college
Childcare – Course Listings
Adult and Community (2)
Offsite (1)
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Offsite
Start Date: Flexible
The Roundhouse (1)
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: The Roundhouse
Start Date: Flexible
Apprenticeships (3)
Offsite (2)
Course Type: Apprenticeships
Location: Offsite
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Apprenticeships
Location: Offsite
Start Date: Flexible
Workplace (1)
Course Type: Apprenticeships
Location: Workplace
Start Date: Flexible
School Leaver - Vocational/Technical (3)
Broomfield Hall (1)
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: Broomfield Hall
The Roundhouse (2)
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: The Roundhouse
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: The Roundhouse
Key Information
Our Teachers
You’ll be taught by staff with strong professional backgrounds in the early years sector who can keep you up to date with latest thinking on issues such as children’s learning, development and behaviour, child protection and safeguarding, and how to plan inspiring educational activities. Ours is a friendly and approachable teaching team, totally dedicated to your success.
Our staff have forged thriving links with employers – opening the doors for you to benefit from meaningful work-related activity such as placements, workplace visits, guest lectures and community volunteering projects. They will also ensure you improve your employability with skills in areas like communication, team working, problem-solving, and equality, diversity and inclusion.
Our facilities and location
Discover our campuses and facilities here. Each campus page contains:
- 360-degree images of our facilities
- A location map
- A list of courses that are run at the campus
- Student Success Stories