Business, Leadership and Management Courses at DCG
All organisations – from global companies, banks and law firms to charities, sports clubs, councils and start-up ventures – are looking for business-savvy leaders to help them keep ahead. Studying Business, Leadership and Management with DCG will help you make your mark in any industry, anywhere in the world.
We specialise in building the strategic capabilities that employers need, including budgeting, business analysis, forecasting, law, HR, marketing and sales. Add skills in customer service, communication, project management and decision-making into the mix – and you’re ready to achieve excellence in today’s rapidly changing business arena.
Because we’re networked into the business community, our full-time students enjoy plenty of contact with major employers. It could lead to placements, work-related projects and industry visits as well as exciting apprenticeship and job opportunities. Meanwhile, budding entrepreneurs will benefit from expert professional advice on launching their own ventures.
If you want to boost your existing career by studying part time, there’s a wealth of choice from nationally recognised ILM awards to accounting and bookkeeping qualifications, plus specialist training on themes like team leading. Our Business and Management Foundation Degree is also a smart move for those aspiring to more senior roles.
and welcome to the
dcg information evening i’m here to talk
to you tonight about our business
here at the roundhouse but i will give
you a bit of background knowledge about
the college first
just to put everything into perspective
for you
so we’re made up of four campuses
including the roundhouse
and the place where our business studies
will take place
but we also have the joseph wright
broomfield hall and orchestra all
these make up the derby college group
aka dcg
we have a multitude of support areas
available to every student at dcg
from the moment we meet you right up
until you have completed your study
program and are deciding on the next
whether you still need to gain your
maths and english gcses or if you’re
looking for top
quality work experience to help gain
industry knowledge we will offer you
tailored support to suit your individual
as you will see this evening dcg has
invested in
first class industry standard equipment
which you can view in more detail after
this presentation
we do everything we can to help you
succeed during your time here
and this has been recognized by ofsted
who have graded us as a good provider
which is the second highest rating that
is available
to any school or college another
fantastic asset
we have at dcs dcg are our innovative
employer academies these will help you
to gain valuable work experience
key industry contacts and really bring
to life
your college learning experience and i
will expand
on this a little bit more later on
our students are at the heart of
everything we do and our inclusion and
support services at dcg
are here to help maximize your potential
and help you to reach your learning
if you have an inclusion and support
need you may
have what we offer you may have
tailored support to match your
individual needs
we work in partnership with teaching
staff and other internal services and
external organizations
to provide a person-centred approach
we’ve also teamed up with career coach
which is designed to help you
find a good career in providing the most
current local data on wages
employment job postings and associated
education and training as you can see
there is an example
of the data that’s relevant to business
and financial project management
professionals but you can do your own
on a role that you feel is relevant to
your career goals and aspirations
from the career coach link on the derby
college website
so head over to the careers coach
section of our website
and select career coach
as you can see from the data
the this dcg region is predicted
in business to keep rising each year
from now
through to 2028 and
there is a similar trend with other
type occupations that your view on
career coach
so now i’m going to give you a full
breakdown of
the different business courses we offer
at dcg we offer
everything from entry level through to
foundation degree so at entry level
we have the get into business
and we also have the level one business
at level two business we have
different strands depending on your gcse
entry requirements so we have the level
first extended certificate in business
the entry requirements for this course
are four gcses
within that you must have a four
or a c in english language
as well as a three in maths and
two other grade threes or above
in your gcses
we offer the level 2 first certificate
excuse me
in business and the entry requirements
for this qualification are gcses
three in maths three
in english and two other threes
you do have the opportunity to reset or
your gcse english and maths on this
we off we also offer the first award the
level two first award
in business which is a smaller
for students that need to redo their
maths and all their
english and their profile is a three
or below
we are also offering the level 2 two
intermediate certificate in accounting
as well and the entry requirements for
are that you must have before or above
in maths as well as all the gcses
the level three qualifications are
to three a levels after two years
in the first year you will do the btec
3 national foundation in business
the entry requirements for this course
five gcses
fours or above you must have
a four in gcse maths
and english language and three other
gcses at four or above
progression after the end of year one is
on to the
level three national extended diploma
in business so once you complete the
level three national foundation
in business at year one you can then
progress onto the national extended
diploma in business
which gives you the equivalent of three
a levels
and can gain you entry to
university or higher education
and also we offer a pathway here
to higher education at derby college
part-time courses that we offer
range in the level in the
sort of from the level one aat
right up to the level four hmc
hnd and also the foundation degree
in business and management so as you can
from the range of courses depending on
what you’re interested in
we can offer aat and business as part
the part-time courses are predominantly
adults and people in employment
or adults 19 plus um
either either in employment or applying
any of the sort of study loans or
employers are sponsoring
we have a range of business academies at
business that we work very very closely
and as you can see from our range of
business academies and employer
um at the college
we have a selection
on this slide we work closely with
in order to co-design our curriculum
our employers that we work with offer
they offer work experience they
also come in and do guest speaker
they do a business communications day so
that our
students can hear first hand from
employer partners exactly what employers
are looking for
and they also offer job opportunities as
so as a dcg student in business
you would be able to access a range of
work experience or opportunities
through our employer partners as well
so what do you need to know about our
actual course
well on the business course one thing
that you do
need to know and be mindful of is that
the level two programs and the level
programs have exams
they have exams so external assessments
in january we also
allow the students to do a retake of the
in the summer so around sort of
end of april may
preparation for the exams we do
encourage all students to
purchase the textbook we do encourage
students to have the revision guide
and we do do sort of additional classes
in terms of study skills support
academic writing thinking skills
for for all of our students at all
levels but it is definitely worth you
that each of the level two and the level
three qualifications
carries some exams on
the extended first certificate
in business at level two there are two
one in marketing and one in finance
on the level three
qualifications again there are two exams
in the first year again there’s a
marketing and a finance unit
and then there’s two other exams in the
second year
one of them is the principles of
management unit and the other one
business decisions so be mindful of that
there is also coursework that is done
and assignment deadlines throughout the
we do have a dress code in business um
so we require our students to wear
a formal dress code but not
not not sues so what we ask for
is sort of casual business attire that
you would wear
in in the world of work as well
so we don’t expect students to wear sort
of jeans trainers
tracksuits um
while they’re in the classroom at
and also in terms of footwear students
are required to wear
shoes as well as i said before you get
access to a range of employer academies
that you can join and also it’s
fantastic because
these employer academies also offer work
experience as well
some of our students have actually sat
on the board of the employer skills
board with the employer academies
because it’s really really useful for
the employees to hear from student
what students want in terms of our
course as well
our work placement opportunities we do
block work placement weeks or we can
tailor the work experience
so that it is throughout the academic
every study programme also offers
personal tutor
and progression coach support as well
derby college has had a significant
impact on many individuals
businesses and the wider community we
are committed to producing a talent pool
equipped with the right skills and
attitude to meet the needs of employers
we are proud of our contribution to
economic growth and social prosperity
by guiding people onto learning pathways
that lead to positive and
positive destinations we encourage
and aspirational outcomes
many of our learners have gone on to
achieve great things since leaving
and as you can see here are a few
examples of the many
inspirational success stories we have to
share with you
please feel free to ask any member of
questions that you may have and
we also have the support team and the
college infrastructure on hand to take
any other queries
that you may have tonight
there is a detailed step-by-step guide
on how to apply
which is accessible from our website and
the prospectus
and you will see from the powerpoint
slide there is a bit of a summarized
breakdown of the steps you can expect to
during the application process with dcg
thank you very much for your time and if
you have any questions
please participate in our live chat
thank you bye
Business, Leadership and Management – Course Listings
Adult and Community (24)
Distance Learning (10)
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Distance Learning
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Distance Learning
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Distance Learning
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Distance Learning
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Distance Learning
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Distance Learning
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Distance Learning
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Distance Learning
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Distance Learning
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Distance Learning
Start Date: Flexible
Ilkeston (1)
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Ilkeston
Start Date: Flexible
Offsite (2)
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Offsite
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Offsite
Start Date: Flexible
Other (2)
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Other
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Other
Start Date: Flexible
The Roundhouse (5)
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: The Roundhouse
Start Date: 12/09/2025
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: The Roundhouse
Start Date: 09/01/2026
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: The Roundhouse
Start Date: 09/09/2025
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: The Roundhouse
Start Date: 09/09/2025
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: The Roundhouse
Start Date: 09/09/2025
Workplace (4)
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Workplace
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Workplace
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Workplace
Start Date: Flexible
Course Type: Adult and Community
Location: Workplace
Start Date: Flexible
Apprenticeships (5)
Offsite (5)
Course Type: Apprenticeships
Location: Offsite
Course Type: Apprenticeships
Location: Offsite
Course Type: Apprenticeships
Location: Offsite
Course Type: Apprenticeships
Location: Offsite
Course Type: Apprenticeships
Location: Offsite
School Leaver - Vocational/Technical (12)
Joseph Wright Centre (3)
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: Joseph Wright Centre
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: Joseph Wright Centre
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: Joseph Wright Centre
The Roundhouse (9)
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: The Roundhouse
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: The Roundhouse
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: The Roundhouse
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: The Roundhouse
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: The Roundhouse
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: The Roundhouse
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: The Roundhouse
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: The Roundhouse
Course Type: School Leaver - Vocational/Technical
Location: The Roundhouse
Key Information
Our Teachers
You’ll be motivated and enthused by our teaching team who are in tune with the very latest business thinking. They bring real-world experience to every aspect of their work.
As a full-time student, you could make the most of our pioneering Employer Academies with the Derby Telegraph, First Response Finance, HUUB, Oberoi Business Hub, Sky Recruitment Solutions and Ward Recycling which offer additional work-related opportunities that broaden your horizons and career scope. As part of your studies at DCG, we also offer a full range of assistance to ensure you have a great learning experience.
Our facilities and location
Discover our campuses and facilities here. Each campus page contains:
- 360-degree images of our facilities
- A location map
- A list of courses that are run at the campus
- Student Success Stories