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206 Search Results for ' pathway '
If you are fascinated by the complexities of human behaviour, then the study of psychology is ideal for you. This well-established course encourages students to engage with psychology in their everyday lives and to adopt a scientific approach to studying human behaviour.
Studying Media Studies is very much like studying a social science and involves analysing media products like magazines, films and television programmes. In addition to developing practical skills, you will also learn how to construct media products by yourself or within a group.
Would you like to learn more about the film industry while developing your skills in analysing mainstream and alternative films? Students will learn about the production, distribution and exhibition of films and will have the opportunity to make their own films.
The impact of the law can be seen all around us in our daily lives, from headline-grabbing crimes and problem neighbours to the day-to-day issues of buying and selling goods. A knowledge of the law is therefore both helpful and interesting, and can provide you with excellent career prospects.
This qualification focuses on improving skills and knowledge to create a career pathway within the retail industry. The course is suitable for anyone looking to work, or currently working, within the retail industry at any level who wants a comprehensive understanding of a retail organisation's operations.
This course is for people who work within the Health and Social Care sector, either as managers or as senior practitioners, including assistants and deputy managers.
Derby College Group’s GCSE Plus team has been celebrating the significant successes of their students.
INTOUCH Parent Communication June 2024 Stay in touch with what is happening across the Derby College Group DATES FOR YOUR... View Article
This qualification aims to provide candidates with the skills and knowledge to use veterinary medicines safely, responsibly and in accordance with current legislation. The qualification is endorsed to the animal group in which the candidate is trained and assessed.
INTOUCH Parent Communication March 2024 Stay in touch with what is happening across the Derby College Group DATES FOR YOUR... View Article
Sophie Harris, an Advanced Practitioner teaching Fashion Business Retail at Derby College Group received her award for The Technical Teaching Fellowships for 2024/25 at a glittering ceremony last week.
TA apprenticeship best route to Primary Education degree for Leah.