Ruth Anderson

Study Type: Adult and Community
Study Location: The Roundhouse
Subject Studied: Teacher Training, Coaching and Mentoring
Training professional Ruth praises Derby College provision
Skills and Apprenticeship Quality Manager Ruth Anderson has praised the quality of Derby College’s training provision.
And Ruth says the “exemplary” delivery of the course she took with the college nine years ago enabled her to “develop and enhance” her career.
Since then she has gone on to forge close links with the college. Ruth was appointed to her role by East Midlands Chamber in March 2018, having previously worked as Internal Quality Assurer for risualĀ Microsoft Digital Skills Academy.
While at risual she trained learners with Shirley Foxon [Lead Internal Verifier/ Assessor] from the college whose input she described as “wonderful”.
Ruth said she had done “repeat business” with that course and was looking forward to continuing the link in her new role with East Midlands Chamber. She said risual’s links with Derby College included a risual Microsoft showcase classroom in the city as well as employing apprentices who study at the college, undertaking Azure (Infrastructure Technician) apprenticeships.
Ruth completed her Level 4 in Co-ordination of Learning and Development Provision with Derby College in 2009, while she was working as an Internal Quality Assurer at New College Nottingham.
Delivery was exemplary. As I'd already got some of the units I needed, I sought Derby College to deliver the remaining units and accredit the full L4. The tutor visited me for 1-2-1 delivery. The course enabled me to develop and enhance my career with private and further education providers.