Rachel Dennis

Study Type: School Leaver Vocational
Study Location: The Roundhouse
Subject Studied: Beauty
All set for a career in film make-up
With her sights set on a career as a make-up and prosthetics designer in the world of film, talented Rachel Dennis has already stepped into the spotlight.
She came third in the regional finals of the World Skills competition, having spent many hours creating a prosthetic of the Jabberwocky game character.
At our 2014 Peak Awards, she also received the SENSI Hairdressing, Holistic and Beauty Therapy prize – sponsored by Pompadour – for her commitment and superb practical abilities.
Rachel went on to secure a coveted university place to study Advanced Media Make-up in Grimsby, one of only three accredited courses in the UK.
I first became interested in makeup design when I watched films like Lord of the Rings so I was delighted to hear that Derby College ran a specialist course in the subject. Winning the Peak Award completed a fantastic year and having the World Skills experience will certainly be good for my future CV.