DCG Success Stories
Role Models Search
Name: Danielle Constantinides
Study Type: Higher Education
Study Location: The Roundhouse
Teacher Training, Coaching and Mentoring
Name: Josh Carter
Study Type: Adult and Community
Study Location: The Roundhouse
Name: Tyrone Smith
Study Type: Higher Education
Study Location: The Roundhouse
Travel and Tourism
Name: Dave Essam
Study Type: School Leaver Vocational
Study Location: The Roundhouse
Business,Leadership and Management
Name: Leila Halilovic
Study Type: Adult and Community
Study Location: Workplace
Motor Vehicle
Name: Tommy Featherstone
Study Type: School Leaver Vocational
Study Location: Johnson Building
Name: Ashley Peppiatt
Study Type: School Leaver Vocational
Study Location: The Roundhouse
Name: Ephraim Barabu
Study Type: School Leaver Vocational
Study Location: The Roundhouse
Name: Lizzy Henry
Study Type: School Leaver Vocational
Study Location: The Roundhouse
Name: Matt Crowston
Study Type: School Leaver Vocational
Study Location: The Roundhouse
Name: Lee Royal
Study Type: School Leaver Vocational
Study Location: The Roundhouse
Business,Leadership and Management
Name: Georgia Herbert
Study Type: Higher Education
Study Location: The Roundhouse