Jade Shaw

Study Type: Adult and Community
Study Location: Ilkeston
Subject Studied: Access to Higher Education
Jade awarded national bursary to pursue dream career in nursing
Former Derby College Acess to Health learner, Jade Shaw, is looking forward to starting an adult nursing degree at Nottingham University this September.
And Jade, who is 27 and a single mum, has been awarded funding from the prestigious national Helena Kennedy Bursary towards the cost of her higher education.
She was put forward for the bursary award by her College lecturer, Juliett Coates, who was impressed by Jade’s impressive academic ability and her dedication to studying while also working part-time and raising two young children.
To help fund her access course, Jade worked as a health care assistant at the Royal Derby Hospital and before that as a carer in a dementia care home.
Jade was first inspired to think about a nursing career when, as a 19 year old new mum, her baby daughter was poorly and moved to the neo-natal unit.
She said seeing the way the nursing staff looked after her little girl at that time had made quite an impression on her.
Jade would like to work in Accident and Emergency or in emergency medicine once she’s graduated as she enjoys “fast paced work and thinking on my feet.”
The Derby College access course is really good and I'd definitely recommend it – in fact I already have. I told one of the mums at my daughter's dance class about access to nursing and she's starting the course this September.