Ebony Saxton

Study Type: School Leaver Vocational
Study Location: The Roundhouse
Subject Studied: Beauty
Award-winning beautician Ebony plans to train as beauty lecturer
Award-winning former beauty student Ebony Saxton loved her Derby College course so much that she would like to be a beauty lecturer herself one day.
Ebony, who initially took a VRQ level 2 diploma in Beauty Therapy at the college’s Ilkeston campus, successfully completed the advanced programme in Year 2.
Described by her tutors as “a vigilant learner who pays great attention to detail”, she gained distinctions in all her units, exceeding her targets.
And, in recognition of her hard work and dedication she received the Sensi Hairdressing, Holistic & Beauty Therapy Award in the Derby College Peak Awards.
It was this same professionalism and motivation while on work experience in a Kimberley beauty salon which led to Ebony getting a job she loves.
As a trained therapist with Izabella’s Secret, Ebony does massages, facials, manicures and pedicures – with nails her favourite treatment.
Ebony, who served in the army cadets while at school, had a great time at college and would like to return at some stage so she can one day lecture in beauty therapy.
I loved college so much that I miss it. I learned such a lot on my course and the lecturers were amazing. I'm still learning in my job but at some stage I'd like to go back to college and train to be a lecturer. I got some experience in teaching in the army cadets and really enjoyed it.