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Parent’s and Carers Evenings

Parent and Carer Consultation Events

Our Parent and Carer Consultation Evenings are a great opportunity for you to speak to your student’s teachers and discuss their progress, achievements, and areas for improvement. Booking is essential via our online booking system


Broomfield Hall: 19.03.25 – 4pm – 6.30pm
Joseph Wright Centre: 26.03.25 – 4pm – 6.30pm
Roundhouse: 02.04.25 – 4pm – 6.30pm


Booking is required through our online system. The booking portal will open a few weeks before each event, and a link will be posted on this page. To receive email reminders when the system opens, be sure to sign up for our monthly parent/carer newsletter, Keep In Touch – DCG


To access the Parent’s Evening booking system, you can either ask your student to log in with their usual credentials or use your parent account. Parent usernames follow this format: (e.g., The password is your student’s date of birth in the format DDMMYYYY (e.g., 24022002 for 24th February 2002).

Please note: If you’re unable to book through the system, it may be because your student has not given consent for their progress to be discussed.


welcome to derby college group

derby college group is made up of four



the joseph wright center

the round house including hudson and

johnson building

broomfield hall

and the community college ilkiston


our students are never on their own

there is a wealth of support on offer

support which can help financially

emotionally as well as academically

there is support via our pastoral


our welfare officers

in-class support as well as a dedicated

team for careers guidance

you will have the opportunity to meet

these support teams during today’s event


all our students will be given the

opportunity to excel throughout their

study program

they will attend technical or academic


work experience giving them hands-on

experience in their chosen industry

the mission pathway and tutorials

receiving expert advice on making a

smooth transition in the next stage of

their life

english and maths if required to

continue to improve english and math

skills alongside their chosen subjects


we have high expectations of our



we expect students to

have 100 attendance to all lessons

including english maths and tutorials

arrive on time and ready to learn

this is important to ensure they do not

fall behind or fall below target


if students are unable to attend college

we ask that you notify us using the

online student absence form on the derby

college website

we value the support of our parents and

carers and recognize the important role

you play in our students journeys

we welcome you to our parent

consultation evenings where you’ll be

able to meet staff and receive feedback

on how your students are progressing

throughout their course

please see the derby college website for

booking information

the journey starts at derby college

