Parent Communication June 2022
Stay in touch with what’s happening across the Derby College Group
Current students at DCG
Term Dates
Prospective students of DCG
Supporting students into their next steps
Destination Days at The Roundhouse – for current students
All current students are welcome to come along to the Destination Day events listed below.
Apprenticeship Destinations Day
Thursday 16th June 9am – 3pm
Current students can come along and meet the DCG Apprenticeship team, find out more about current Apprenticeship opportunities and get support to apply for live vacancies.
Way2Work and Recruitment Agencies Destination Day
Tuesday 21st June, Wednesday 22nd June and Thursday 23rd June 10 am – 2pm
The Way2Work Team will give students practical support and create an action plan with them to help achieve their job-searching goals including CV writing, Job applications, Interview planning and practice, Effective job search techniques
Health and Social Care Recruitment Day
Wednesday 29th June 10am-4.30pm
A wide selection of stall holders, from a range of health and social care employers across Derby and Derbyshire (including the NHS) will be promoting live job and apprenticeship (for 2023) vacancies; plus, offering attendees the opportunity to find out about a variety of different roles- through a series of talks designed to showcase the sector and its wide range of career opportunities (both clinical and non-patient facing). The event also aims to promote some of the ‘not so well known’ professions including Social Prescribing Link Worker and Health and Wellbeing Coach.
Is your child going (or considering going) to University?
Loughborough University are offering 2 x virtual talks to help students (and their parents/carers) gain top tips about around applying, and moving away, to Higher Education.
The free, online sessions will include talks and Q&A panels with university staff, current students and recent graduates- who can all provide advice, support and inspiration to students considering higher education.
The aim to provide the information students need to make an informed, confident decision about HE; plus, give them an opportunity to ask questions to help make the right choice for them. Level 3, years 1 and 2 students: How to succeed when moving away from home: Tuesday 21st June, 6.00-7.00pm
Level 3, year 1 students: UCAS applications and perfecting a personal statement: Tuesday 28th June, 1.00-2.00pm
If your child applied through UCAS this year, please encourage them to regularly check their UCAS Hub, as this will tell them which date they are required to reply to any offers they have received (they will receive reminder emails about this from UCAS as well).
If they do not reply (via their UCAS Hub) by their given date, all their offers will be automatically declined
The next ‘reply by’ date: *If they receive their last decision on or before 14th July 2022, their reply date is 21st July 2022 (including Extra choices) Further details on replying to offers, can be found at the following website : Search | Events | UCAS
Results Day support
The Careers team will be available on A-level results day (18th August 2022) and GCSE results day (25th August 2022) to assist with next step queries – including those that are UCAS related (Clearing, Adjustment etc) and more. Details about receiving results, Clearing, confirming UCAS places and more, can be found at the following website: Clearing | UCAS
Making your careers conversations easier
Useful resources
When it comes to education and careers, parents, carers and guardians are the biggest Influence in young people’s lives.
Talking Futures is a resource designed and created to help you have informed and constructive conversations with your child about training and education pathways available. A parents’ toolkit for career conversations (
To book a Careers appointment, for support with a range of careers issues, including Next Steps guidance and option choices, students, or their parents/carers, can email:
The College Careers team can support all students with a range of things, including: making decisions about their next step options, ways to identify and develop their strengths, skills and abilities in relation to their next step; plus, practical help with making applications and preparing CVs.
Exam Access Arrangements
Will your child be requesting the same exam support as they had at school?
Your child will need to provide a copy of one of the following from their previous school or centre of learning before we can review access arrangements for them at College:
- Form 8 report
- Access Arrangements Online (AAO) approval
- Centre File Note
- Confirmation of your previous exam access arrangements (on letter headed paper or an email from previous school/centre of learning)
The deadline for you providing this evidence is October Half Term.
Please contact your school or previous centre as soon as possible. Ask the SENCO / Head of Centre for exams to give you a copy of your evidence.
Exam access arrangements from school do not automatically carry over to college. We will need to meet with you to review your arrangements after we have received your information from school/previous centre.
Please email your evidence to: or take your evidence to the Inclusion Base Room at your site.
Evidence provided after the deadline will not be processed and appeals will not be possible.
Confidence Kit: A tool to help build self-esteem
As a parent, it’s natural to want the best for your child – for them to be happy, healthy and confident individuals. But that’s sometimes easier said than done, especially during the teen and pre-teen years when their bodies are changing, their self-confidence is fragile and they are trying to make that tricky transition out of childhood.
Dove has created a Confidence Kit and put together some expert articles available on their parent’s online hub, they have gathered advice on some of the key topics known to have an impact on young peoples’ self-esteem and body confidence, from media, peer and cultural pressures to teasing and bullying about appearance. The Dove Self-Esteem Project global experts from the fields of psychology, body image, self-esteem, eating disorders and media representation – have created a resource for you that is focused on advice and action. Confidence Kit – Dove Self-Esteem Project
More information for Parents and Carers can be found on the DCG website.