With over 150 delegates, the core task of the day was for each student to present their findings from research undertaken as part of their Equine Science, Management and Training, Animal Management and Animal Management (Zoo and Wildlife) degree programmes to a panel of judges from Chester Zoo, Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Waltham Mars Pet Care and Castlefield Kennels.
The event strongly encouraged collaboration between Higher Education Institutes (HTIs) and Colleges, and in promoting novel research and dissemination for our students across the country with some fantastic seven-minute oral presentations and posters.
Students also designed and made cakes to illustrate a key theme of their research project to add some light relief to proceedings. The time, effort and clear dedication from all students was exemplarily.
Stacey Higgs, Curriculum Manager and event lead commented: “It was another outstanding inter-college challenge and it’s great to see it has grown year on year.
“It was so good to see so many students with such dedication and determination presenting and showing their inventive poster designs.
“I want to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to the organisation and to all those who participated.”
Derby College Group would like to thank the following institutions and organisations for their support and participation: SMB College Group, Askham Bryan College, Merrist Wood College (University Centre), The Bedford College Group, Coleg Sir Gar | Coleg Ceredigion, Moulton College, South Staffordshire College, Warwickshire College and University Centre, University of Derby, Chester Zoo, Waltham Petcare Science Institute, Yorkshire Wildlife Park Ltd, Castlefield Kennels and the Association of Colleges.