The concept was to upcycle old baby clothes into adorable memory bears, which was both creative and sustainable.
This simple concept led to the creation of Cuzzy Bear (an affectionate moniker for a cousin-inspired companion). This gave the students the opportunity to demonstrate their passion, determination and business acumen.
The conscientious group of 20 students structured themselves into teams, performing all the functions that a business requires, complete with CEOs overseeing all the different aspects of the operation.
Every student had a clear role from designing the logo to driving the marketing campaign including creating a promotional video. Every aspect of this venture was meticulously handled by the talented students.
And in creating the bears, they worked hard on production, cutting patterns and stitching each bear with love. And even the students’ wider family and community have been involved in making the bears.
The bears are currently selling well at the College with all the proceeds being given to a local charity, The Padley Group, which supports people at risk of homelessness, poverty and hunger.
Lorna Edwards, Business Curriculum Manager commented on the social enterprise: “The aim for the students was to use a project and enterprise idea that allows them to apply the skills and knowledge acquired from the Marketing, Finance, Recruitment and Enterprise units delivered as part of their qualification.
“We wanted to bring the curriculum to life for our level 1 students and recognise that students learn in different ways and have skills that will help them to progress to their intended destination.
“We are delighted for them all, they have worked so hard on delivering their great product.”
Business Learning Mentor, Vicki Cook enthused about the students stating: “We are so proud of the students, they have shown such ingenuity and entrepreneurship.
“They have demonstrated that they can work well together as a team and that they can learn new skills. And everyone played their part, making this a fun and productive project.”
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