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FE Early Career Framework

Module 5 Deeper Learning

In this module you will explore the following:

Is about the ways learners monitor and purposefully direct their learning. For example, having decided that a particular cognitive strategy for memorisation is likely to be successful, a pupil then monitors whether it has indeed been successful and then deliberately changes (or not) their memorisation method based on that evidence.

Peer assessment and self-assessment
Enables children to give each other valuable feedback so they learn from and support each other. It adds a valuable dimension to learning: the opportunity to talk, discuss, explain and challenge each other enables children to achieve beyond what they can learn unaided. Peer assessment helps develop self-assessment, which promotes independent learning, helping children to take increasing responsibility for their own progress

Sticky Learning toolkit.
A tool designed to offer a variety of differing strategies for teachers to use in their sessions to promote the development of memory and recall of knowledge for students

This Assessment for Learning toolkit. The AfL toolkit is designed to offer a variety of differing strategies for teachers to use in their sessions.