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FE Early Career Framework

Module 3 – I, we, you

In this module you will explore:

Instruction. Learn how to give purposeful direction and when to use scaffolding in the classroom. Explore problem-based learning and analyse its effectiveness. Evaluate written, verbal and visual instruction.

Teacher exposition. Is there a place for teacher talk in lessons? Explore how your inner subject expert can engage students. Can teacher exposition leave power points behind?

Questions. Explore a range of questioning techniques, go beyond direct questioning, and evaluate the use of higher order thinking and developmental questioning techniques. Can lessons be taught through questioning?

.Enrichment and beyond the curriculum. Raising achievement means going beyond the curriculum, explore and learn how to plan for enrichment opportunities within your course. Stretch and challenge students by going beyond the curriculum.

Gamification of learning. Can you motivate your students through video game design and game elements in learning environments? Explore the world of the digital native and enable learning to be student centred and fun.