This apprenticeship is for anyone who works in a welding role, manually welding tubes and pipes to high standards of quality, using a minimum of two manual arc welding processes. You will be required to weld a minimum of four material groups.
Course Summary

Course Information for Students
Who is this course for?
This apprenticeship is for anyone who works in a welding role, manually welding tubes and pipes to high standards of quality, using a minimum of two manual arc welding processes. You will be required to weld a minimum of four material groups. You must use all welding positions and three main joint configurations.
Entry Requirements
Maths and English at grades 4 or above (C or above), or have the equivalent functional skills in maths and English at Level 2.
What will you learn?
You will learn about the mechanical properties and physical properties of commonly welded materials. The fundamentals of welding metallurgy and how this affects the weldability of materials. The common manual arc welding processes and the relative merits. Pipe and tube weld joint types. Identification and common causes of weld defects and how their occurrence can be reduced. You will develop skills to allow you to work safely within your work environment, plan work and check documentation, use welding equipment safely and how to inspect the assembly be welded. You will develop your skill set in quality inspection and deal with problems if they occur.
How will you learn?
You will attend college on day release with a mix of classroom and practical workshop delivery, to develop knowledge, skills and behaviours relative to the apprenticeship standard. The remaining 4 days a week will be spent in the workplace.
What will you need to bring with you?
Relevant PPE including safety boots, safety glasses, welding gloves and fire retardant overalls.
How will you be assessed?
You will be formatively assessed throughout the duration of the apprenticeship, both in college and in the workplace. You will be observed, have discussion and complete write ups. When you have completed your programme of learning and have shown competency against all the knowledge, skills and behaviours of the standard, you will then enter the gateway stag and be prepared for your end point assessment (EPA). Your EPA will include a multiple choice knowledge exam, a practical skills test and a technical interview.
Where next?
Who do you contact for more information?
Is there any financial support available?
Apprenticeship Funding
Course Information for Employers
Apprenticeship summary
This apprenticeship is for anyone who works in a welding role, manually welding tubes and pipes to high standards of quality, using a minimum of two manual arc welding processes. The apprentice will be required to weld a minimum of four material groups. They must use all welding positions and three main joint configurations.
Are they any entry requirements for my apprentice?
Maths and English at grades 4 or above (C or above), or have the equivalent functional skills in maths and English at Level 2.
What is required from the employer in the workplace?
You will be expected to provide your apprentice with the relevant training and development for them to complete their role successfully, alongside the learning that will receive in college. You will be expected to allow the apprentice to undertake on average 6 hours of off the job learning every week. You will be required to be involved in the apprentices 12 weekly progress review and input into target setting. The apprentice will require employer welding procedure specifications to be provided to support the practical skills tests and preparations of equipment, consumables and materials at the test venue.
Behaviours expected within the role
Your apprentice will be expected to demonstrate behaviours in college and in the workplace, as set out within the apprenticeship standard, these include; working safely, taking responsibility for decision making, maintaining continuous professional development, intervening and challenging poor practice, follow specified procedures and controls and reflect on current and past performance.
What qualification will my apprentice gain?
Pipe Welder Level 3
What will the assessment look like?
The apprentice will be assessed both in college and in the workplace through observation, job write ups and discussions. When the apprentices reaches end point assessment (EPA), they will be assessed through a multiple choice knowledge exam, a practical skills test and a technical interview.
Will my apprentice need to come into college?
The apprentice will be expected to attend college one day per week during term time.
Is there any specialist equipment required?
Relevant PPE including safety boots, safety glasses, welding gloves and fire retardant overalls.
What progression can my apprentice expect after completion of their apprenticeship?
What job roles will this apprenticeship be suitable for?
Any person who is manually welding tubes and pipes to high standards of quality.
Will the college help me find an apprentice?
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Course Information Last Updated On: November 25, 2024 11:19 am