Level 3 Senior Equine Groom Apprenticeship – Standard
This Level 3 apprenticeship is for individuals who have a sound base of knowledge and experience and are seeking to develop a more senior and managerial role within the equine industry.
Course Summary

Course Information for Students
Who is this course for?
This Level 3 apprenticeship is for individuals who have a sound base of knowledge and experience and are seeking to develop a more senior and managerial role within the equine industry.
They must follow safe working practices and have the dedication, commitment and motivation to upskill their knowledge, skills and behaviours to become a professional senior equine groom.
The senior equine groom apprentice will need to decide which sector of the industry they wish to progress to and select the appropriate occupational route.
Length of programme
Typically 18 months – 2 years (though it can be completed in a minimum of 12 months to the final Gateway)
Entry Requirements
- Extensive experience of working with horses and being prepared to take on a supervisory role of work
- Excellent work ethic and sense of responsibility
- Level 2 qualification in Horse Care or three GCSEs at grade C/4 or above
- BHS Stage 1 or the equivalent
What will you learn?
The apprentice will follow a training programme to complete the requirements and meet the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed for them to be fully competent:
- The apprentice works and trains with the employer and training provider
- The recommended approach to ensuring that progress is tracked throughout the apprenticeship is to use a Senior Equine Groom Skills Passport as a learning record
- The apprentice will create and maintain a mandatory portfolio in order to provide supporting evidence that will be needed to supplement the knowledge, skills and behaviours observed by the independent assessor at the end-point assessment. The portfolio will be used as evidence for the professional discussion
- A record of off-the-job training (this is training that must occur for a minimum of 20% of the time the apprentice is paid to work and is training delivered outside of their normal working duties) to develop a wider understanding of the industry
How will you learn?
The apprenticeship will be delivered in the workplace and on-site at Broomfield Hall one day per week
What will you need to bring with you?
You will need adequate and appropriate PPE.
How will you be assessed?
The qualification consists of:
7 Core Knowledge and Skills units
- Safe Working Practices
- Yard and Field Routines and Duties
- Horse Anatomy, Physiology and Welfare
- Horse Handling, Care and Appearance
- Nutrition and Fitness
- Travelling Horses
- Non-Ridden Exercise
5 Core Behaviour units
- Safe Working
- Work Ethic
- Responsibility
- Team Work
- Communication
1 Chosen Occupational Route unit:
- Riding
- Non-Riding
Learning will take place in a variety of ways, which could include workplace training, formal courses, work shadowing, industrial visits, research, self-study, attendance at College for classroom/workshop activities and time spent completing assignments set by the assessor.
The apprentice will undertake their end-point assessment when the employer, training provider and apprentice all consider that they are ready to do so. This stage of the apprenticeship is known as the Gateway. This stage of the apprenticeship will not be reached until the apprentice has completed at least 12-18 months on the programme.
The end-point assessment will be carried out by an independent assessor and will be made up of a multiple choice Knowledge Test (minimum pass grade 70% in order to proceed), Practical Observation (5 hours), and a Professional Discussion informed by a completed portfolio.
End-point Assessment Gradings
This qualification is graded Fail, Pass or Distinction.
Functional Skills
Before taking the end-point assessment, apprentices must have achieved the test for Level 2 English and Maths (equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C/9-4)
Where next?
Further Study
- Employment or higher studies
- Senior Equine Groom
Who do you contact for more information?
For more information contact Derby College on 0800 0280289 or enquiries@derby-college.ac.uk
Is there any financial support available?
Course Information for Employers
Apprenticeship summary
Are they any entry requirements for my apprentice?
What is required from the employer in the workplace?
Behaviours expected within the role
What qualification will my apprentice gain?
What will the assessment look like?
Will my apprentice need to come into college?
Is there any specialist equipment required?
What progression can my apprentice expect after completion of their apprenticeship?
What job roles will this apprenticeship be suitable for?
Will the college help me find an apprentice?
You may already have someone in your organisation or someone has come to you direct asking for an apprenticeship, but if you don’t we have a free recruitment service to help you hire the best candidate for your organisation from our talent pool and external advertising through social media and the national apprenticeship services website
Contact us
If you are an employer and you would like to know more, please email businessenquiries@derby-college.ac.uk or call 01332 387421
Career Information
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Course Information Last Updated On: November 25, 2024 11:17 am