Learning and Skills Teacher – Apprenticeship Standard
This programme, which includes a wide range of topics/modules, enables you to explore the role of the teacher in the FE and Skills sector and consider how to plan for a variety of creative teaching, learning and assessment approaches.
Course Summary

Course Information for Students
Who is this course for?
Who is this course for?
This apprenticeship is best suited to someone already in an unqualified teacher role or a vocational education and training role, with responsibility for delivery of group teaching or training in a classroom or workshop setting.
Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements
- Teacher apprenticeship contract – a minimum of two years to enable End Point Assessment
- Evidence of a Level 3 (at least) qualification in your own subject-specialism
- Evidence of an approved Level 2 qualification in English Language and Maths (or a commitment to achieve these prior to the End Point Assessment)
- A mentor in the organisation where you work to support your development
What will you learn?
What will you learn?
Roles and responsibilities of a teacher
- Explore the roles and responsibilities of a teacher in the post-14 environment
- Identify teaching and learning methods in your subject/area of teaching
- Investigate adaptive teaching methods
- Develop reflective skills
Learners and learning
- Review a range of learning theories
- Analyse and apply different theoretical approaches within your classroom
- Reflect on the effectiveness of the approaches used
Classroom management
- Identify effective learning behaviours
- Explore a number of different theoretical approaches to support students in establishing positive learner behaviour
- Implement a number of classroom management strategies in your classroom
Designing your curriculum
- Explore the wider context of curriculum design
- Review the policies/initiatives which impact on curriculum change
- Evaluate the sequence of your curriculum and suggest how this might be developed
- Plan for the wider curriculum
Becoming a subject specialist
- Consider and evaluate the pedagogy used within your subject
- Review and plan how you will continue to develop your subject knowledge
Mock End Point Assessment
Gateway and End Point Assessment
- Lesson observation and professional discussion
- Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence
How will you learn?
You will learn via blended learning.
How will you learn?
What will you need to bring with you?
What will you need to bring with you?
How will you be assessed?
How will you be assessed?
Learners maintain an activity portfolio alongside on-programme assessment. With the approval of their employer, learners will progress to the End Point Assessment where they will be required to undertake a lesson observation and professional discussion along with a second professional discussion supported by their portfolio of evidence.
Where next?
Where next?
- QTLS: Professional Formation for the FE and Skills sector (equating to QTS in schools)
- A permanent position as a teacher in Post-14 Education, for example in schools, FE colleges, training providers and prison education services
- A BA (Hons) Education Studies or Masters in Education (depending on your prior qualifications)
Who do you contact for more information?
Who do you contact for more information?
Is there any financial support available?
Is there any financial support available?
Course Information for Employers
Apprenticeship summary
Apprenticeship summary
Are they any entry requirements for my apprentice?
Are they any entry requirements for my apprentice?
What is required from the employer in the workplace?
What is required from the employer in the workplace?
Behaviours expected within the role
Behaviours expected within the role
What qualification will my apprentice gain?
What qualification will my apprentice gain?
What will the assessment look like?
What will the assessment look like?
Will my apprentice need to come into college?
Will my apprentice need to come into college?
Is there any specialist equipment required?
Is there any specialist equipment required?
What progression can my apprentice expect after completion of their apprenticeship?
What progression can my apprentice expect after completion of their apprenticeship?
What job roles will this apprenticeship be suitable for?
What job roles will this apprenticeship be suitable for?
Will the college help me find an apprentice?
Will the college help me find an apprentice?
Contact us
Contact us
Career Information
This course could lead to one of these careers...
Further Education Teaching Professionals
Special and Additional Needs Education Teaching Professionals
Teaching Professionals
Higher Education Teaching Professionals
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Course Information Last Updated On: November 25, 2024 11:19 am