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Support Young People Into Employment!

The Kickstart Scheme is a £2 billion government fund to create hundreds of thousands of high quality, six-month job placements for young people.

students sitting on grass outside the roundhouse

The job placements should support participants to develop the skills and experience they need to find work after completing the Kickstart scheme.

Our expert staff will help employers access funding and guide them through the process.

The government will fund high quality six-month work placements in new jobs, aimed at those aged 16-25 who are current out of work. This funding will cover:

  • 100% of the National Minimum Wage for up to 25 hours per week for a total of 6 months
  • Associated employer National Insurance contributions
  • Employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions

For more information please contact our staff on or 01332 387 421.

Speak to us today!

DCG can help with a range of different business solutions including professional development, apprenticeships, work experience and more

Email: or Call: 01332 387 421

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